Century Machinery Co., Inc.
Established and servicing industries since 1934.
Our main showroom is at: 1937 South Santa Fe Ave, Los Angeles, California 90021.
We are a full service Global Marketing Used and New Machinery Dealer.
- We Buy, Sell, Lease, Trade, Auction and Finance Industrial Machinery and Surplus Machinery and Equipment
- We Sell Pre-Owned Reconditioned and Rebuilt Machinery and Equipment
- We provide Auctioning and Liquidation Service of New and Used Machinery and Surplus Assets
- We also perform Plant Liquidations
- We take Consignment of Used Machinery and Equipment
- We provide Appraisal Service for Machine Tools, Metal Working Machines, Fabrication Machines, Lathes, Fluid Forming
Presses, Stretch Forming Press, Shrinking and Stretching Machines, Woodworking Machinery and Air Compressors.
Call us at 1-213-627-2847 or Email: sales@centurymachinery.com